Most of the 956 likely to lose jobs as Daley leaves
BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hall Reporter
For 21 years, they've been the most stable jobs in town -- assuming you can stand the taskmaster boss and stomach the unpaid furlough days he imposed recently.
But now the 956 city policymakers who can be hired and fired at will by Chicago's mayor face the prospect of dusting off their resumes at the worst possible time.
Mayor Daley's decision to choose political retirement over the quest for a seventh term has left so-called "Shakman-exempt" employees -- who lack protection from the federal ban on political hiring and firing -- in the lurch.But now the 956 city policymakers who can be hired and fired at will by Chicago's mayor face the prospect of dusting off their resumes at the worst possible time.
Now they have to decide whether to stick around until the end -- and hope they can defy the odds and be retained by whomever succeeds Daley as mayor -- or start the exodus now.
It's not an easy decision in the midst of a jobless recovery that could soon see an influx of state workers in the same boat. ...
Two other veteran firefighters, who had been elevated to top jobs in other city departments, could be returned to the Fire Department before Daley departs, courtesy of the mayor's chief of staff, Ray Orozco, a former fire commissioner, sources said. They are O'Hare Airport security chief Richard Edgeworth and Jose Santiago, executive director of the city's Office of Emergency Management and Communications.
It looks like we're in for big changes no matter who wins. I'm not sorry to see some of these ass kissers scrambling for jobs. They were never sorry about the people they laid off or let go. As long as the new regime doesn't mess with the front line workers, I'll be glad to watch city management replaced. As long as you're non-exempt, you should be safe. The rest are SOL.
Somebody still has to take the calls, and it won't be him. Sometimes it's good to be on the bottom.